Regular expressions

This page documents the regex module.

General concepts

Regular expressions are widely used in text processing to perform pattern matching and pattern substitution. Simply put, a regular expression (regex) is a string which describes a set of strings. Suppose that we want to any of the following strings: "petit", "petite", "petits", "petites". Instead of looking for each string separately, we can use a regular expression to look for any of them. The corresponding regular expression would be "petite?s?".

Syntax of regular expressions

Regular expressions always try to match a pattern from left to right; in their simplest form, they match a sequence of (non-special) characters and are equivalent in this case to a plain text search. Regular expressions provide a number of special symbols and operators that can match classes or sequences of characters. Here we only provide the most useful ones:

In addition, regular expressions offer a number of quantifiers:

In this context, an expression must be understood as either a character (e.g. o{2,} matches the string "zoo") or a sequence of characters enclosed by parentheses (e.g. (?:do){2} matches the string "fais dodo"). Another useful character is |, which is used to combine expressions (logical OR). For example, the pattern (?:est|était) will find all occurrences of the strings est and était.

Regular expressions are "greedy" by default, which means they will match the longest string that satisfies the pattern. For instance, given the pattern j.*e, which matches the character j followed by zero or more characters followed by e, and the string "je te l'ai dit", a non-greedy search will return the substring "je te" by default. Non-greedy search, on the other hand, will yield the substring "je" since it extracts the shortest string that satisfies the regular expression. To enable non-greedy behavior, we must use the quantifier ? after the star (in this case, "j.*?e").

Application Programming Interface


Create and return a new regular expression (regex) from a string pattern. The regex can be matched against any string.

local re ="^(..)")
-- Do something with re...

See also: pattern

match(re, subject)

Match regular expression re against string subject. Returns true if there was a match, false otherwise.

See also: count, capture, has_match


Returns true if the last call to match was sucessful, and false if was unsuccessful or if match was not called.

See also: match

capture(re, nth)

Returns the nth captured sub-expression in the last successful call to match. If nth equals 0, the whole matched string is returned, even if no sub-expression was captured.

Note: This function returns an empty string if nth is greater than the number returned by the count function.

See also: count, match, first, last


Returns the number of captured sub-expressions in the last call to match. This function returns 0 if there was no captured sub-expression, if there was no match or if match was not called.

local re ="^a(...)(..)(..)")

-- Print "bra", "ca", "da"
if regex.match(re, "abracadabra") then
    for i=1, regex.count(re) do
        local text = regex.capture(re, i)

See also: capture, match


Returns the pattern (as a string) from which the re regular expression was constructed.

See also: new

first(re, nth)

Returns the index of the first character of the nth capture. If nth equals 0, it returns the index of the first character in the whole matched string.

See also: capture, last

last(re, nth)

Returns the index of the last character of the nth capture. If nth equals 0, it returns the index of the last character in the whole matched string.

See also: capture, first